Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Medieval Times From The 21st Century - 2110 Words

There are several things that differentiate medieval times from the 21st century; one of the most major was the healthcare the medieval people had. The advances in healthcare from the medieval times to now are extremely drastic. Healthcare was a major part of the medieval culture and was as big of a deal back then as it is today. Not everyone had the same healthcare in medieval times, the class systems were so major that not everyone could get the same healthcare benefits as others. The monarchies of course got the best treatment that was available. They never had to worry about getting treatment if something came up. They always had medical professions near by. Peasants on the other hand were the exact opposite. Being a peasant you were well aware that if you got sick there was little to nothing to do that could help you. With peasants living in such filth and bad conditions it was not uncommon for disease to spread between them and deaths to occur. The church had taught that the peasants got so sick because of all of the sin they possessed and the peasants believed it, along with all of the towns people. With that being said there was very little help for them during these times. Health problems in today’s world vs. medieval times are major. In todays time when you get sick you usually just assume it ’s from not washing your hands enough or from simply being around someone else being sick. In medieval times they actually believed that if you contracted a disease orShow MoreRelatedThe Role of Women in Medieval Literature1344 Words   |  5 Pagesï » ¿The assumption of anti-feminism Ã¥ ¤Å¡as become something of an article of faith when interpreting medieval English literature like Sir Gawain and the Green Knight and The Canterbury Tales (Morgan 265). Heng concurs that there are textual assumptions that we now recognize, with the unfair judgment of hindsight, as implicated in a fantasy of textual closure and command, (500). 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